About Us

We are just like you

We are the afflicted. More specifically, we are
three friends, the compassionate nurse, the workaholic programmer, and the POTS stricken lawyer, who have come together to create a voice for the voiceless, provide a sanctuary or home for the disbelieved and misunderstood, and to remind those with invisible illnesses that there are still places in the world where everyone is special, and only love is tolerated.

If nothing else, be kind.

--Sherman, Chilton, Jeff

“People with POTS, LYME and other invisible illnesses, have a hard time finding others that can relate, believe or understand them and their ailment(s)—WE at POTSies.org have made it our mission to change this hapless fact. It is this disconnect, this unfortunate misunderstanding that makes the dating and/or meeting friends’ scene that much more difficult, if not impossible, to traverse for those of us with invisible, not well understood chronic conditions. Anyone that feels even remotely misunderstood or that has been labeled a hypochondriac will receive the benefit of the doubt here, as our number one goal is to provide a platform where we are all believed at our word, and nobody is ignored based on an inherently negative assumption they are “crying wolf.”

What we are doing at Potsies is creating a virtually stress free environment where acquaintances become friends, where like attracts like, and where similarities of circumstance will bring together the lost and the found—while at the same time we remove the dreaded explanatory barriers individuals face daily in dealing with invisible illnesses and lay it all out on the table from beginning, therefore eliminating any uncomfortable exchange of unpleasantries, now or in the future.

There is quite simply, little or no room for rejection here at Potsies, because all of the members in our family have the same or similar hardships they are or have been dealing with, and the chips have been laid on the table from the get-go and each individual member will know their potential friends or suitors truly understand how they feel and what they are going through without having to try to explain their condition at a later date, while dreading and facing any possible negative repercussions related to any type of shallow assumptive superficial judgmental rejection.  

Everyone is. Everyone is accepted and loved here, and listened to, and we can’t think of a better way to help people deal with their conditions and issues, while at the same time, feeling all alone, when they truly are not, than to create a place where strong bonds can be formed between like individuals, than to match them up by a common struggle that most normally healthy people can’t understand, refuse to acknowledge, or even attempt to understand.”

Our goal is simple, to bring together those misunderstood, seemingly alone and beautiful human beings with the same or similar unseen conditions to a place where they can be loved for who they are without judgment. The reason is equally as simplistic, nobody can understand what we go through daily except us. Now, we have a platform to facilitate our needs without judgment through our own eyes and subjective perspectives. We decided to make our dream a reality, to help bring the physically misunderstood to a place of understanding.

Together we can achieve anything, in the knowledge that nobody truly does anything alone.”

Much love, from all of us here at POTSies.